About Us

 We are those who will step into the door way to ‘Return’

We are the vision keeper.

Hence, symbolically our website takes on its image and namesake’ from FORK OF THE ROAD’ which was a devicesive time for our ancestor who stood naked  at what was turned foot of the road( a split crossing) in Natchez Mississippi . It was a time in history when destiny was being shaped for Black Forks. They became separate from their tribes, language, songs, culture and spiritual practices. Therefore, as a point of reference a historical site was established in their honor, and named ‘FORK OF THE ROAD’. As with most indigenous traditions the first to be honored in ceremony is the ancestors. It is believed that without our ancestral linkage, we suffer imbalance leading to destruction.  Without nature connection, we experience difficulties and imbalance. Through spiritual training and education, our objective is to return to nature practices and recreate the scared container that will lead to restoration of balance in the community.